
The Green Beret Foundation and the Cleveland Indians are “Joining Forces” again in 2019!

Green Berets, News

Friday June 21, 2019

The Cleveland Indians are providing a unique, all-expenses-paid trip for a Green Beret and his family to fly to Cleveland to enjoy a VIP experience at Progressive Field. The Joining Forces program joins a long list of programs in which the Indians and players and staff have supported the military. With the support of the Cleveland Indians and our donors, will you stand with us as we answer the call to be the Green Beret’s best advocate for the mission ahead? This is an all expenses paid trip at NO COST to the Green Beret or his family. Hotel and airfare will also be covered. If you know an Active Duty Special Forces family that you believe deserves this wonderful opportunity, please nominate them by emailing info@greenberetfoundation.org

Please include a personal statement explaining need, how your experiences or your family member’s experiences in  Special Forces have affected your family dynamic, and how this opportunity can be a benefit.

Deadline to apply is August 1st, 2019.

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