At the Green Beret Foundation, we honor our commitment to Green Berets past and present, as well as their families, by connecting them with the resources they need to succeed in the mission ahead to prosper and thrive.

“Value the Sacrifice and Contribute to the Healing”

Welcome to the 5th Annual Cincinnati
Green Beret Classic
’s Webpage

As a family we have worked for the past four years to turn our son’s life altering war injuries into something to benefit the Green Beret Foundation and its mission of support for the Green Beret Community. We succeeded in doing this by organizing and conducting annual Cincinnati Green Beret Classic events since 2015. In four years, we simply could not have accomplished raising over $800,000 for the Foundation without the generosity of business sponsors, donors and volunteers. In 2019 we will celebrate our 5th year of annual events and reaching a $1,000,0000 milestone by raising an additional $200,000. Funds raised in 2019 will enable the Green Beret Foundation to cover the cost of innovative equipment and therapies for more combat injured, ill and transitioning Green Berets along with necessary travel and lodging. That means $200,000 can provide the following:

• 60 – Laser Regeneration Therapy sessions
• 4 – 40-hour Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for TBI and PTSD
• 7 – Intrepid Dynamic Exoskeletal Orthosis Braces
• 10 – Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation sessions
• 12 – Game Ready® Hot and Cold Therapy Systems
• Family Travel Support

We sincerely thank Tristate supporters who “Value the Sacrifice and Contribute to the Healing” of the Green Beret Community. God Bless.

Fran and Jim Wesseling

Cincinnati Green Beret Classic Organizers & Green Beret Foundation Ambassadors

Thank you to our Sponsors




2019 Cincinnati Green Beret Classic Events

September 15th, 2019

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September 16th, 2019

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Hatton Photo

The Green Beret Foundation received $100,000 grant from The Hatton Foundation, earmarked to establish the Hatton Healing and Recovery Fund. The Hatton Healing and Recovery Fund will cover the cost of innovative treatment therapies and devices for injured Green Berets enhancing recovery and quality of life.

We are honored to make this donation to support Green Berets and their families that sacrifice so much for us,” said Hatton Foundation Executive Director Walt Lunsford. “We hope that The Hatton Healing and Recovery Fund is a catalyst for more individuals and foundation donations to help improve the quality of life for injured Green Berets, and their families.”


2018 Riverboating For Berets

2018 Steps ‘n Salutes Green Beret 5K

2018 Red, White, and Blues for Green Berets

4th Annual Cincinnati Green Beret Classic

3rd Annual Cincinnati Green Beret Classic


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